Targeted Email Marketing 
A tailored solution for Developers, Corporate Investors and Businesses looking to tap our exclusive distribution networks.
  • Over 600,000 Canada & US network recipients
  • Business Listings
  • Canada-Wide Distribution to Residential Real Estate Agents
  • Canada-Wide Commercial Real Estate Agents
  • Private & Commercial Investors and Groups
A proven method of marketing, with a focus on real estate and resorts.

Perfect for advertising Real Estate Developments, and potential Investments with high ratio of responses and returns.
Why Email Marketing?
Surveys confirm that Targeted Email Advertising works. A recent study by Blue Kangaroo, for example, shows that over 54% of recipients receive "about right" amount of campaigns in their email boxes. 
ROI research similarly confirms that email marketing is not only successful, but strong in delivering returns. 
Unlike other forms of online interaction, Targeted Email Marketing is both measurable and timely: it provides immediate responses, and relevant reports.

Additionally, Targeted Email Marketing Campaigns include online materials such as embedded videos and links to relevant materials, all of which drives potential clients to further interact with your website.


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